When most people think of Verona, they think of Romeo and Juliet; however, Verona is so much more than that. I spent a few days in Verona, actively avoiding the Romeo and Juliet tourist trap, and I can attest to the fact that it’s all the other parts of this city’s history that make Verona worth a visit.
In the main square, Piazza Bra, they have a stunning colosseum from 30 AD. This impressive structure is 40 years older than the Roman Colosseum and still holds operas and concerts. We went to a traditional Italian opera while we were there and it was incredible to think that we were sitting in the same seats that the ancient Veronese did. And just like ancient times, it’s important to note that the seats are made of stone. There are stands that sell cushions for you to use but check with your accommodations first to see if they have any. Our apartment did.

As you wander around Verona you come across other remarkable pieces of architecture, such as the city wall and the Museo di Castelvecchio, including the Ponte di Castelvecchio. If you have an interest in visiting historical sites, then the Verona Card is the way to go. It can be purchased at all sights, except the Lamberti Tower, and includes free bus fare. There is a 24-hour version for 20 euro and a 48-hour version for 25 euro. I would highly recommend the 48-hour pass if you have the time because it allows you to see everything on a more relaxed timeline.
Verona also has beautifully ornate churches and basilicas. If the intricate detail of Italian churches is something you enjoy seeing, another option is to buy a Church Pass for 6 euros, which provides access to all four major churches. You buy it at the first church you go to and get it stamped at the other three. You likely will want to take the bus to get from church to church, but that would require you to purchase a separate daily bus ticket for 4 euros. It’s important to note that entry to the 4 churches, as well as the bus fare, are included in the price of the Verona Card. The Verona buses have a very impressive schedule, one which they stick to, something you don’t always see in Italy.
If you’re a shopper, Verona is for you! Verona has a range of shopping, from high-end stores to street markets. The high-end shops are spread across a couple of streets, such as Via Alberto Mario and Via Giuseppe Mazzini, and are open varied hours for late-night strolling. The street market fills all of Piazza Erbe and has varied inventory. I bought cute t-shirts for my nephews at the street market and I also bought my favorite purse, made of fine Italian leather, at the street market for 40 euros at the stand right next door. That’s the beauty of Italian leather goods, they don’t need a name brand to be high quality.
- Arena di Verona: Piazza Bra, 1, 37121
- Verona Box Office: Via Pallone, 16, 37121
- Piazza Erbe: Shopping, restaurants, and gelato!
- Museo di Castelvecchio: Corso Castelvecchio, 2, 37121
- Church Pass: Get into all four churches under one pass. Passes can be bought at any of the churches.
- Verona Card: Churches, Museo di Castelvecchio, and free bus transportation
- Bus: Tickets can be bought at any tabacaria. Single tickets are available, but a “Daily Ticket” is your best bet if you plan on having the bus be your main source of transportation around the city.
- Shopping: Head Northeast from Piazza Bra towards Piazza Erbe to find fabulous shopping.
- Breakfast: Caffè Pasticceria Pradaval: Piazza Pradaval, 12, 37122
- Lunch: Ristorante Osteria Casa Vino: Vicolo Morette, 8/a, 37121
- Dinner: Locanda 4 Cuochi: Via Alberto Mario, 12, 37121
- Dessert Place: Caffe Al Teatro: Via Roma, 10, 37100
- Gelato: Amorino: Corso Sant’Anastasia, 1, 37121
We were lucky to find an adorable apartment in a fabulous spot, a short walk from Piazza Bra. Olimpia was amazing and our stay was perfect!